
Make your windows more secure

Secure your operating system against malicious code from the network and protect yourself from errors.

Share a folder without making it visible on the network

To share a folder on the network without it is visible to all, right click it and go to the Properties menu. On the Sharing tab, click Advanced Sharing. Select the Share this folder option. Enter a name ending mandatory by the sign "$".  


For example: $ images. Click OK. To access this file, users must enter the network address with the computer name followed by that of the shared item. If your computer is called max \ \ max \ $ pictures.
Vista and 7 (level 3)

Prevent access to Task Manager

 Task Manager is a tool not to let all hands. To block access to the registry editor, navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows, CurrentVersion, Policies. 

Go to the Edit menu to create a new key named System. Right-click in the right pane and create a DWORD value named DisableTaskMgr 32 bits with a value of 1. Now links to the Task Manager will be grayed out.  
To restore access to delete the key or change its value to 0.
XP, Vista and 7 (level 3)

 Hide your computer in the network
You want your computer to enjoy all the benefits of the network while remaining invisible? It's possible. On the machine to "hide", run Regedit. Open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, LanmanServer, Parameters. In the right pane, create a DWORD value named Hidden 32-bit with value 1. Restart Windows. The computer is no longer visible on the network. To access it, other users should, in the address window Network or My Network Places, type their name preceded by two backslash bar.

Vista and 7 (level 3)

Create an invisible folder on the desktop
Create a folder and name it with a nonbreaking space holding the Alt key and typing 0160 on the numeric keypad. Right click on the folder and Properties. Select the Customize tab and click Change Icon. Scroll through the list of icons to select an image blank (white list). Confirm with OK. Your file will be invisible even if the option Show hidden files is enabled. To find its location press Ctrl + A on your desktop.
XP, Vista and 7 (level 1)

Display the last boot time

Want to know how long your son uses the PC? Press Win + R and type cmd and press Enter. Type net statistics workstation and entry. Statistics from the line indicates the date and time of the last time the computer starts.


XP, Vista and 7 (level 1) 

Erase your navigation tracks

Even if you take care of regularly emptying your browser history, traces of your Web travels remain. To realize this, press Win + R and type cmd and press Enter. In the command prompt, type ipconfig / displaydns. A list of areas visited will be displayed. To purge, type ipconfig / flushdns and press Enter.*
XP, Vista and 7 (level 1)


Protect the registry
Found on many web files with the extension. Reg that allow a click to edit the registry. If your computer is used by several people and you want to prevent this type of file is executed too easily, open the registry key HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, regfile, shell. On the right, double-click the key (default) and type in the edit field data value. Confirm with OK. Now double-click on a. Reg file, open it in Notepad. To add the registry information it contains, it is necessary to right-click and choose Merge.

XP, Vista and 7 (level 3)

Do not be afraid to lose your password!
You have chosen a strong password to protect your user session, that's fine, but to avoid the risk of being blocked in case you forget, remember to create the utility will reset. Get yourself a USB stick and go to Control Panel, User Accounts menu Create reset disk.


Vista and 7 (level 1) 

Block USB Storage Devices

When you connect a USB drive or your microphone, it is immediately usable. To prevent users from copying their key files from your disk or file their own, perhaps pox, disable detection of USB devices in the registry. Find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SYSTEM, CurrentControlSet, Services, USBSTOR. In the right pane, double-click Start. In the Value data field, replace 3 with 4 and click OK. Close the registry and restart the PC. USB devices are now ignored. To reactivate the detection, simply restore the original value.

XP, Vista and 7 (level 3)



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